Thursday 25 December 2014

Is there an emotional adultery?

Can men and women be just friends? Is friends with a member of the opposite sex adultery, or really has nothing to do with it?
Is there an emotional adultery?

According to countless web pages that deal with marital problems there is a new kind of adultery emotional affair.

It seems that sharing secrets, dreams and fears with another person can be as dangerous to your marriage as the old-fashioned physical adultery. Men have changed, and with them the way in which they cheat. Sex is less important to them; more important is the emotional commitment.

For women of course, this news is not so surprising, they always love affixed in front of sex, or at least at the same level. The problem is when they do men.

So far, the women slept with a married (they were lovers) to get love in return, now they no longer need to do that. You can get love through friendship. Now they are friends, while they once were lovers.

The number of women and men who are involved in emotional adultery is increasing, and is closely tied with number of destroyed marriages. For modern men love, support and discussion is just as necessary as for women, which do not mean that they do not think about sex, but to them it is no longer a priority.

According to the American Society of marital and family therapists all over a person’s makes an emotional deception.

And why it is not so strange? Many of us spend hours with work colleagues, rather than with our spouses, and that little time we spend with them, we talk about children, bills and problems. Thus leading to a situation that with colleagues or friends, we have a lot of interesting conversations, we talk to them about our fears, plans, hopes and feelings.

And contrary to popular belief, marriage is being built by everyday intimacy. If you get out of your relationship with your partner intimate conversation, if you need to confide to your friend about the problems and seek advice from friends associated with the partner, you are sooo fraudulently.

When you get married you give a statement that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, to share the good and the evil, not that this is the person you want to share a bank account and children.

And as much you deceived yourself, when you or your partner are participant in emotional affair, no matter how you call  that person, friend or lover, you are committing adultery.

If your husband or wife cannot understand your friendly relationship, it's probably because you have a lack of communication and will to explain the nature of your relationship. And if you do not have a will to explain to your wife your relationship with a friend, and you have will to explain the relationship with your wife to your friend, is not somewhere along the way a distortion of values and roles???

Now, do not you think that there are no collegial relationships or friendships exclusively with the opposite sex, but emotional infidelity is happening and we need to be familiar with it, it is equal to the physical, the only question is how much we are willing to tolerate it and how much will we blink on it.

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