Wednesday 31 December 2014

A little-known causes of hormonal disorders in the female body

Between 40% and 60% of women in the western world is suffering from premenstrual syndrome. In addition, a huge number of women suffer from a number of problems that are associated with early menopause.
Something serious is going on.
There is strong evidence that a whole range of factors out of our lives affects the balance of hormones in the body that is essential for health.

Lack of progesterone

According to studies, many women in their 30s (and sometimes before) occasionally not ovulate during their menstrual cycle.
Without ovulation does not create the corpus luteum (yellow body) which secretes the hormone progesterone.
Due to the lack of this hormone in the female organism disrupts the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone. The dominance of estrogen progesterone entails a whole series of problems.

Progesterone and stress

Progesterone is closely related with stress. Stress and bad diet can interfere with ovulation.
When an-ovulation, in the organism occurs lack of progesterone. Due to a lack of progesterone reduces the formation of anti-stress hormones.

The lack of anti-stress hormones exacerbated by stress, which again causes a failure of ovulation. In this way creates a vicious circle.

Xeno-estrogens - a fake estrogen in our diet

Misbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body contributes to the world in which we live.

We are surrounded by multitude petrochemical products. They are found in air, food and water, including pesticides and herbicides, plastics products and polychlorinated biphenyls.

These substances contain false estrogen - the so-called keno-estrogen - which is easily absorbed and deposited in fatty tissues.

For example, frequent consumption of carbonated drinks in plastic bottles can cause estrogen dominance in the body.

Keno-estrogen is very difficult to remove from the body.

These chemicals, even though the page our body mimics estrogen and intervenes in the natural biochemical activity of the organism.

Extensive research is currently being conducted around the world, reveal the seriousness of the situation caused by the pseudo-hormones.

It was discovered 51 types of keno-hormones any of which is able to cause a number of problems in the body.

Pseudo-hormones damage to women only. Recent discoveries prove that the production of sperm in men in the last 70 years has decreased by 50%.

This fact is associated with fake hormones, which can also cause cancer and prostate cancer, genital deformities and neurological disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

Proper diagnosis is the key to solving any health problems.

If you have symptoms of a hormonal disorder, consult your doctor. (Hormones are a complicated thing, and besides, many diseases have similar symptoms).

Before you begin treatment with conventional or alternative methods, you need to know exactly what is going on in your body.

Frequently doctor will listen about your symptoms and suggest that you make a blood test to determine the level of hormones in the body.

If you encounter a lack of understanding of the doctor (which happens often), be persistent and try to give you a referral to a search of hormones.
Conventional treatment of hormonal disorders include hormone replacement therapy synthesized hormone that has a high risk to health.
Because of that lately more and more women are seeking natural solution discomforts associated with premenstrual and menopause

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