Wednesday 31 December 2014

A little-known causes of hormonal disorders in the female body

Between 40% and 60% of women in the western world is suffering from premenstrual syndrome. In addition, a huge number of women suffer from a number of problems that are associated with early menopause.
Something serious is going on.
There is strong evidence that a whole range of factors out of our lives affects the balance of hormones in the body that is essential for health.

Lack of progesterone

According to studies, many women in their 30s (and sometimes before) occasionally not ovulate during their menstrual cycle.
Without ovulation does not create the corpus luteum (yellow body) which secretes the hormone progesterone.
Due to the lack of this hormone in the female organism disrupts the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone. The dominance of estrogen progesterone entails a whole series of problems.

Progesterone and stress

Progesterone is closely related with stress. Stress and bad diet can interfere with ovulation.
When an-ovulation, in the organism occurs lack of progesterone. Due to a lack of progesterone reduces the formation of anti-stress hormones.

The lack of anti-stress hormones exacerbated by stress, which again causes a failure of ovulation. In this way creates a vicious circle.

Xeno-estrogens - a fake estrogen in our diet

Misbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body contributes to the world in which we live.

We are surrounded by multitude petrochemical products. They are found in air, food and water, including pesticides and herbicides, plastics products and polychlorinated biphenyls.

These substances contain false estrogen - the so-called keno-estrogen - which is easily absorbed and deposited in fatty tissues.

For example, frequent consumption of carbonated drinks in plastic bottles can cause estrogen dominance in the body.

Keno-estrogen is very difficult to remove from the body.

These chemicals, even though the page our body mimics estrogen and intervenes in the natural biochemical activity of the organism.

Extensive research is currently being conducted around the world, reveal the seriousness of the situation caused by the pseudo-hormones.

It was discovered 51 types of keno-hormones any of which is able to cause a number of problems in the body.

Pseudo-hormones damage to women only. Recent discoveries prove that the production of sperm in men in the last 70 years has decreased by 50%.

This fact is associated with fake hormones, which can also cause cancer and prostate cancer, genital deformities and neurological disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

Proper diagnosis is the key to solving any health problems.

If you have symptoms of a hormonal disorder, consult your doctor. (Hormones are a complicated thing, and besides, many diseases have similar symptoms).

Before you begin treatment with conventional or alternative methods, you need to know exactly what is going on in your body.

Frequently doctor will listen about your symptoms and suggest that you make a blood test to determine the level of hormones in the body.

If you encounter a lack of understanding of the doctor (which happens often), be persistent and try to give you a referral to a search of hormones.
Conventional treatment of hormonal disorders include hormone replacement therapy synthesized hormone that has a high risk to health.
Because of that lately more and more women are seeking natural solution discomforts associated with premenstrual and menopause

Thursday 25 December 2014

Is there an emotional adultery?

Can men and women be just friends? Is friends with a member of the opposite sex adultery, or really has nothing to do with it?
Is there an emotional adultery?

According to countless web pages that deal with marital problems there is a new kind of adultery emotional affair.

It seems that sharing secrets, dreams and fears with another person can be as dangerous to your marriage as the old-fashioned physical adultery. Men have changed, and with them the way in which they cheat. Sex is less important to them; more important is the emotional commitment.

For women of course, this news is not so surprising, they always love affixed in front of sex, or at least at the same level. The problem is when they do men.

So far, the women slept with a married (they were lovers) to get love in return, now they no longer need to do that. You can get love through friendship. Now they are friends, while they once were lovers.

The number of women and men who are involved in emotional adultery is increasing, and is closely tied with number of destroyed marriages. For modern men love, support and discussion is just as necessary as for women, which do not mean that they do not think about sex, but to them it is no longer a priority.

According to the American Society of marital and family therapists all over a person’s makes an emotional deception.

And why it is not so strange? Many of us spend hours with work colleagues, rather than with our spouses, and that little time we spend with them, we talk about children, bills and problems. Thus leading to a situation that with colleagues or friends, we have a lot of interesting conversations, we talk to them about our fears, plans, hopes and feelings.

And contrary to popular belief, marriage is being built by everyday intimacy. If you get out of your relationship with your partner intimate conversation, if you need to confide to your friend about the problems and seek advice from friends associated with the partner, you are sooo fraudulently.

When you get married you give a statement that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, to share the good and the evil, not that this is the person you want to share a bank account and children.

And as much you deceived yourself, when you or your partner are participant in emotional affair, no matter how you call  that person, friend or lover, you are committing adultery.

If your husband or wife cannot understand your friendly relationship, it's probably because you have a lack of communication and will to explain the nature of your relationship. And if you do not have a will to explain to your wife your relationship with a friend, and you have will to explain the relationship with your wife to your friend, is not somewhere along the way a distortion of values and roles???

Now, do not you think that there are no collegial relationships or friendships exclusively with the opposite sex, but emotional infidelity is happening and we need to be familiar with it, it is equal to the physical, the only question is how much we are willing to tolerate it and how much will we blink on it.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

You tried anal sex and you did not liked. Good. Or ... you have not tried?

The lady that you do not like anal? Do not worry. You're not the only one. In fact, majority you belong to. However, have you ever tried it? Or have you decided on the basis of belief? Or maybe the stories to friends? If you have not tried, be sure to attempt. Then make a decision. If you do not like, never mind. There are many, countless, fun ways to enjoy sex. On the other hand, women who like anal sex really enjoy it. Let us consider some facts...

Anal sex is not something that women can accept from the immense love of a man. For example, many women love oral worship of their femininity. However, it can easily happen that sometimes did not appreciate his tongue that is played throughout the vagina, but it's not something uncomfortable and can be done. Why not? However, anal sex does not fall into that category. Or it is extremely loving and enjoys it or is extremely repulsive. There is no halfway anal sex.

Women who love anal sex argue that the feeling of pleasure is not nothing like the friction resulting entry and exit of masculinity from femininity. It's a whole new universe of enjoyment. Whether you add it gently petting the labia and clitoris, you are on the verge of a new Big Bang. On the other hand, the pain was the reason why women who have tried, give up forever anal pleasure. Therefore, the outcome of the first experience is extremely important, and without great responsibility borne by men.

There are three things in attempts inevitable: long foreplay, the most expensive and highest quality lubricant on the market, hygiene. It is not enough that a woman decides to try to enjoy anal sex, because anal muscles, lot of them have their own life. It takes a lot of pats, a lot of preparation to relax. (Imagination run wild.) Do not go there for the first time ? good. Another time. No? OK again. There's no rush. Let it lasts as long as it take..

The walls of the anus are extremely sensitive. Therefore there is no money that is too much for the highest quality lubricant. Do not save it at that. And, of course, hygiene. Not only standard cleaning, but a condom. Not only for protection. Likewise, it is advisable to buy good quality condoms with a better lubricant. The reason is the same as in the case of a lubricant. Which effectively reduce friction.
Finally, the gasification of a prejudice. The ultimate mistakenly believed that the male anal sex erotic practice exclusively male homosexual couples, and that the female anal sex practice heterosexual couples. By anything morphologically and physiologically female and male anal experience does not differ. So, ladies, huge love should not be one-way. You have an equal right to propose anal games as well as men, no matter how to take advantage. Whether the suppression of his constant persuasion. Whether for deepening mutual sexual satisfaction.

Saturday 13 December 2014

The dark side of birth control pills

Temper tantrums, depression, mood swings, obesity or loss of desire for sex, are just some of the adverse effects of birth control pills. The pill, which last year celebrated its 50th birthday completely, changed the way we perceive relationships and sexuality. It not only has an effectiveness of 99 percent in preventing pregnancy if used properly, but reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. However, this type of contraception has its dark side that is ignored talk much. The pill has a strong impact on our psyche.
Last year, British researchers published the results of research that has lasted 40 years, and in which the participated women that have used the pill for a long time. Results showed that women who use it live slightly longer than those who do not use it.

Psychological consequences
We all know the side effectsthat pills may have on our physical health: dizziness, obesity, increased risk of deep vein thrombosis - but little has been said about the psychological risks. A team of experts from the University of Sterling who led the research on how and whether the pill affect a woman's choice of partner, said he came to the data that show that women who use the pill elect men who are attentive, caring and calm and avoid adventurers, dangerous and those that do not bind.

According to them, the theory is based on the hormones in the pill - estrogen and progestin –which make a woman to stay away from macho types and those who do not want marriage and children. This is the last piece of evidence that confirms what we all suspected - the pill affects our psyche and well. Yet, despite all the findings and evidence, doctors still cannot to explain with certainty or confirm whether the pill can really change the behavior of women.

What is scientifically proven is that estrogen and progestogen increase nerve function of the brain, but the extent to which it affects on the behavior of a woman is difficult to say - says Professor Saffron Whitehead, he added that we know that estrogen affects the limbic system in the brain that is associated with mood - but scientists not sure where and why they occur mood swings.

Lately, many women go to the doctor to inquire for an alternative method of contraception after they have experienced dramatic mood changes during the period when they were taking the pill. And everyone agrees that the mental and physical inconvenience and other problems experienced by women using the pill are more than evident, but what about the scientific evidence?

One of the latest academic researches which studied the influence of pills on the emotional condition has occurred with the data that is the beneficiary of this form of contraception depression expressed by 17.6 percent more compared to women who do not use it, and where the degree of depression was 9.8 percent.

Professor Kulkarni, who led the research, said the following:
- During this study, we studied how mood varies among users of different kinds of pills and we came to the conclusionthat clearly show that changes swings varies depending on the type of pill that is drunk. Specifically, we came to the data that in women who are using the pill with a lower percentage of estrogen mood swings are much higher compared to those who drank the pill with a higher percentage of this hormone or those that are not used. In fact, all parameters are saying that these women suffer from clinical depression. The controversy in this whole story is that women who drink a pill with a high dose of estrogen much better mood than those who did not drink the pill. This suggests that different amounts of estrogen in birth control pills have different effects on mood.

However, this study has not been completed, but not yet released. But for years women complain of decreased libido while using the pill. Research conducted by a German university in Heidelberg has shown that this form of contraception dramatically reduces the level of desire for sex and enjoying it. However, a large number of general practitioners remain skeptical of the results of numerous studies. Dr. Diana Monsour consultant for gynecology and reproductive health in the hospital North East says:
“Adverse effects on emotions in women using the pill in most cases do not even appear. Our mood varies and it is easy to blame the pill for depression. Any scientific evidence related to this claim is very stretched.Any woman who chooses to use the pill should go with her chosen doctor for taking a detailed personal and family medical history in order to avoid any possible risk. If after examination reveals that there are no risks of the use of the pill is far better choice of termination of pregnancy, which is a common method of contraception in our country, unfortunately. What is the mood and libido regards the results of those studies may relate to women who are otherwise unstable psyche and have decreased libido, so they binds that to the pill.”

Since there is no way to know whether a particular problem really side effect of this drug on the side effects of birth control pills are available only vague information. The instructions for the transcription of the contraceptive pill are given a list of side effects that are visible with the pill for birth control in general, rather than for a specific product. Specific information about the side effects of such data on the frequency of occurrence is not mentioned. Based on available data, some of the common side effects of pills for birth control include, but are not limited to the following:
• Acne;
• Sensitivity and breast augmentation;
• Spot or heavier bleeding between periods;
• Nausea and vomiting;
• Changes in the eyes that make it difficult to wear contact lenses;
• bloating;
• Headache;
• Changes in sexual desire (default: reduced
Some progestin show androgenic effect (an effect similar to testosterone). It is often considered that this progestin have a greater risk of acne and excessive hair growth. Other progestins have anti-androgens (anti-testosterone) effects, and are considered useful in the treatment of acne and excessive hair growth. Some progestin may exacerbate water retention, while others can help in solving this problem. Differences in the level of estrogen can affect the menstrual bleeding tendencies, while many pills with a high estrogen increase the risk of blood clots.
When choosing birth control pills, which will be done in consultation with your doctor, be sure to talk about adverse events that you personally care. For example, if you have problems with acne, your doctor will probably choose a birth control pill for that will mitigate and not exacerbate the problem.

Side effects of birth control pills that need to be communicated to the doctor
Some side effects of birth control pills, although they are rare, potentially dangerous, and should be immediately communicated to the doctor
It can happen to experience some or none of those described in this article. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine whether a certain side effects (such as nausea) caused by birth control pills or other factors. Therefore, be sure to tell your doctor if you develop any of the side effects while taking birth control pills, or if you simply make you "something is wrong". Although it does not have to be in terms of the consequences of taking the pill, your doctor will be able to identify and treat the problem.